
Programme of Talks

Talks are usually on the first Friday of each month at 8pm (doors open from 7.30)


July 5th: Shortwave Station Evening

June 7th: 'The JWST Revisited' by Nick Stapley

May 3rd: 'Meshtastic' by Damien 2E0EUI

April 5th: 'A Bit of Ferrous Metallurgy' byJim M0JFL

March 1st:  AGM and 'bring and buy'

February 9th: Social evening as the AGM scheduled for Feb 2nd clashed with Candlemass at the venue

January 5th: 'Car Diagnostics and Tuning Overview' by Ross Sissons


December 1st: Christmas Social

November 3rd: "Aerial Matching Units", by Bob G3OOU

October 6th: "Why Transformers Fail" by Paul M6OPY

September 1st: "Small Fibreglass Mouldings" by Jim M0JFL

August 4th: Summer Social

July 7th: Operational Evening

June 2nd: "The ICQPodcast Digital Voice Project", by Martin Butler M1MRB

May 5th: "WSPR" by Damien 

March 31st: "HF Aerials by Bob G3OOU" - ("April's" talk avoiding the May bank holiday) -

March 3rd: "What is QRP" by Damien 2E0EUI 

February 3rd: AGM followed by a 'bring and buy' sale with all proceeds going to the club

January 6th: "Why We Test Electricity Network Equipment" - Mr Paul Dyer (UK Power Networks)

Physical Lectures Resumed Again from March 2022

Zoom Lectures Resumed in 2022 - Covid

February 4th AGM

January 7th  A Compact Aerial and ATU for Top Band, by Bob G3OOU

Physical Lectures resumed on October 1st 2021

December 3rd Cancelled - Winter/Christmas Social - Cancelled

November 5th Faraday and Maxwell by Chris Walker (also by Zoom as well as a physical meeting)

October 1st Electric Motors by Jim Lugsden

2020 Zoom Talks

The Club resumed talks in October 2020 using the Zoom video conferencing software

3rd Sept 2021 Club Social

6th August 2021 Club Social

2nd July 2021 Club Social

4th June 2021 Club Social

7th May 2021 Beekeeping  by Bernard Newham

9th April 2021 Club Social

5th March 2021 Dead Bug Construction - Bob G3OOU

5th February 2021 AGM

8th January 2021 Fundamental Particles by Nick Stapley

4th December 2020 PCB Manufacture by Alan G8NKM

6th November 2020 Autumn Social

2nd October 2020 Introduction to Valve Technology - Bob G3OOU

Past Events 2020

3rd Jan Video Evening

7th Feb Annual General Meeting

6th Mar Metalwork - Jim Lugsden M0JFL

The following talks were cancelled due to Covid lockdown:

3rd Apr DMR Hotspots - Damien Nolan

1st May S Parameters, Smith Charts and a Cheap Vector Network Analyser

5th Jun TBD

3rd Jul Short Talks

7th Aug Summer Social

Past Events 2019

6th December Xmas Social

1st November The Gliwice Radio Tower Incident by Phil Tate M1GWZ

4th October Emergency Service Communication by Steve Shorey G3ZPS

6th September How to Specify a Power Transformer by Paul Dyer

2nd August Summer Social

5th July Admiralty Signalling by Jim Lugsden M0JFL

7th June  On Air HF Noise Reduction Systems by John G8MNY

3rd May CW Evening and Pixie Test and Maintenance

5th Apr Construction Evening - Pixie QRP Transceiver

1st March Fundamentals of Amateur Digital Radio, David How G0PAR

1st February AGM

4th January Video Evening

Past Events 2018:

7th December Winter Social

2nd November Network Radio - Martin Butler M1MRB

5th October Introduction to Electronics: Power Supplies - Bob G3OOU

7th Sept 2018 Practical Session - Building a Compact VHF Aerial

3rd Aug 2018 Summer Social

6th July 2018 Compact HF/VHF Aerials - Bob G3OOU  and Damien 2E0EUI

1st June 2018 Whisper (WSPR) Evening - Damien 2E0EUI

4th May 2018 How Not to Win National Field Day by Quin G3WRR

6th April 2018 The British Vintage Wireless and Television Muse2nd March 2018

2nd March 2018 Cancelled due to snow/bad weather

2nd February 2018 AGM

5th January 2018 Video Evening

Past Events 2017

December 2017 Christmas Social

November 2017 Millimetric Microwaves by Chris G0FDZ

October 2017 Digital Signal Processing Without Maths by Alan G0TLK

September 2017 Antenna Modelling by Quin Collier

August 2017 Summer Social

July 2017 GPS by Nick Stapley

June 2017 Sub-Sea Telegraph Cables - RJ Buchanan

May 2017 Product Design Part 1 - led by Bob Burns

April 2017 Frequency Counter Design - Alan G8NKM

March 2017 Spectrum Utilisation Efficiency - Ian Clark

February 2017 AGM

January 2017 Digital Mode Radio - Damien 2E0EUI

Past Events 2016:

December 2016 Christmas Social

November 2016 Club Project: An Arduino Based Frequency Counter - Alan G8NKM

October 2016 How to Use SDR (software defined radio) - Damien 2E0UI

September 2016 Two short talks: Gegraphical Mapping, Nick Stapley, and Eutopic Points, Lugsden

August 2016 Summer Social

July 2016 High Altitude Baloons - Rick M0LEI

June 2016 Introduction to  Electronics IV: An Introduction to Operational Amplifiers

May 2016 The planned talk on 'The Role of Amateur Radio in WW1' by Dr Elizabeth Bruton was cancelled at short notice and replaced by a video on 'Robert Noyce and the Rise of Silicon Valley

April 2016 Constructing a Garden Shack/Workshop/Shed - Alan G8NKM

March 2016 Data Modes - Alan G0TLK

February 2016 AGM and Construction Contest

January 2016 CLUB 60th Anniversary and Introduction to Electronic Components III

Past Events 2015

December 2015 Christmas Social ‘Equipment on the Air and Trifle’

November 2015 Introduction to Electronic Components II

September 2015 Computation Techniques and Modelling - Dr Nathan Brown

August 2015 Club Project ‘Build & Buns’, an LC Meter

July 2015 ‘Keep It Dry’ - Professor Billingham

June 2015 The Park Langley Tramway Modernisation Programme - Jim M6BXL

May 201 Introduction to Electronic Components I

April 2015 Lifeboats - Alan Ashley

March 2015 A Video Evening – “Propagation” and “Making Bright Emitter Valves

February 2015 AGM and Construction Contest

January 2015 Test Equipment – Spectrum Analyser and Signal Generator - Bob G3OOU

Past Events 2014

December 2014 Christmas Social, An Amusing Video and Station on the Air

November 2014 The Guide Dogs Association

September 2014 Railway Signalling - Martin Fenner

August 2014 Contacts and Cakes - Summer Social

July 2014 An Evening of Short Talks: The Stirling Engine - Jim Lugsden M6BXL, Radio Receivers Through the Ages - Bob G3OOU, An Introduction to Turing Machines - Nick Stapley

June 2014 Software Defined Radio by Professor Norman Billington

May 2014 Op-Amps by Garth Swanson G3NPC

April 2014 Solar Hot Water - Jim Lugsden M6BXL

March 2014 Small Aerials in Difficult Locations – Professor Mike Underhill G3LHZ

February 2014 AGM and Construction Contest

January 2014 “How Does Electricity Get Into Our Homes – An Introduction” by Paul Dyer